
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mahalo Card by Yukari Yoshioka

Mahalo Cat on Beach Card by Yukari Yoshioka | Aloha Newton Stamp set by Newton's Nook Designs #newtonsnook


Today we have a lovely relaxing thank you card by Yukari using our new Aloha Newton stamp set. That kitty is so adorable in his little teal hammock on the beach! Doesn't he look so cozy and relaxed? This card makes me wish I was on a beach too! The "Mahalo" sentiment, also from the Aloha Newton stamp set, gives the perfect finishing touch to this sweet card!

Thanks so much to Yukari for the the adorable card today! You can head over to Yukari's blog, Handmade by Yuki and see more details about her project - and make sure to say hello!


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